It’s a new year, and that ought to mean a new approach to your website. A time to re-evaluate what you’ve got, how it works, and how it can be improved. Because every under-performing day is business lost!
So, as my 7-year-old son would say, “It’s ‘time to get serious’ time”! This blog is all about that, with lots of timely tips & SEO suggestions to fine-tune your site so that you can get the most from your investment in the website that should be driving lots of conversions.
And for my first tip, let me pose a question. How does your site look on a mobile device? Is it something like this, all nice and responsive?
… or is it more like this – looking and feeling like a site has been squished to fit when viewed on a small screen?
Because my first Tip Of The Week is this: make your site responsive, or loose both traffic and custom. Google will penalise you in the SERPs in favour of your responsive competitors sites, and customers will simply not be able to navigate around your site and buy your products. It’s as simple as that!